Okay, so far inbetween exams, revision, etc I've managed to make quite good progress with Tesseract as far as preliminary things go, (main characters created, sets built and so forth). I've also managed get some shooting done.
Tesseract will tell a story that happens over thirteen years, with one rather lenghthy time gap. This is an experiment people, so while I think I know where I'm going, the characters might take over at some point.
Tesseract will consist of a Prologue, Two Parts and maybe an Epilogue to tie up loose ends. The Parts will be subdivided into Chapters, probably about 4 or 5 to a part, although that might change.
Also, I'm going away this summer, and so obviously won't be able to shoot anything, so currently the plan is to get Part 1 completely shot and written up after my exams and start posting it in mid/late July. There'll then be an Intermission somewhere around September/October while I make a head start with Part 2, which is going to be much darker, grittier and more sinister than Part 1.
During the Intermission there'll probably be another Progress Report like post, or maybe pictures which will clue you in on what's to come. We'll see.
For now I'm going to leave you with this little teaser, introducing 3 important characters you'll see in Part 1, probably either Chapter 1 or Chapter 2. Bear in mind this was cobbled together in about 15 minutes, I'm taking more time over the images I'll be giving to accompany the story.